Narrowboat journey from Offenham lock to Stratford-upon-Avon

Filmed way, way back in the dizzying summer scorcher of mid-June, this is the final section of my trip up the River Avon in Warwickshire, from Offenham lock (where the last vlog ended), to the canal basin at Stratford-upon-Avon. Along the way there was lovely scenery, gentle river tranquility, and a plethora of ice cream at the end.


Elements is an experimental art film by Maxim Zhestkov about nature, physics, art and love. More than 2 billion elements / particles governed by tensions and forces of nature were used to tell stories and show emotions through the motion of collective behavior. The film is a trial to explore the idea that everything around us and inside us is made from simple elements / blocks which can be arranged in complex relationships and become compound structures. We could project this idea into emotions, behaviours, thought processes, relationships, life, planets and the universe. Design / Animation / Sound by Maxim Zhestkov. Links: