Shuar families of the Ecuadorian Amazon were using foul smelling, smoke producing kerosene bottles for artificial evening light with the advent of “modern” methods of extending light, which extend activities into the evening hours.
At the Shuar’s request and under the direction of DreamChange representative, Mary Tendall, a healthier and safer alternative to kerosene lamps was sought.
Licensed electrical contractor, Chris Amson, suggested off-grid stand-alone solar electrical systems to create sustainable energy sources.
Chris traveled to the Shuar with Mary; converting costs were calculated, money raised and charging stations for each community complete with waterproof flashlights and batteries were created.
The Shuar constructed support platforms for each solar panel array with natural materials and the Shuar were trained to do future solar installations. The project made it possible for seven Shuar communities to each have three simple fluorescent fixtures in their community centers. 

Flying into the jungle